Snarky McSnide Says, Donald Trump did it again

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Donald Trump did it again
Here he was, during the Democratic Convention, rising from the dead to overtake the illustrious Hillary Clinton in the polls.
What to do? I can’t have this! If this keeps up I might be elected President!
No one has found a way to destroy a Presidential campaign in such a short order than Donald Trump. His response to the staged attack from a sideshow at the Democratic convention did him in. No matter that further investigation showed Trump may be right in his criticism of Khizr Khan, the damage in the media is done, perception is reality.
Vegas odds, always favoring Hillary, were trending in Trump’s favor, now are showing indications again of a Goldwater debacle.
Trump has done permanent damage to the Trump name. Who but the die hards will want to go to any venue with the name Trump on it? Leprosy will be more popular. 
Hillary can’t believe her good fortune! She, too, is someone most people would walk across the street to avoid. She went on a bus tour after the Democratic convention, nobody showed up to see her. 
The question for voters in November will boil down to what do you want to see for the next four years, Orange pantsuits or Orange hair?
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